Ayurveda has specified protocols for each Season, so the body, mind, and soul feel nourished. As days stretch out to be longer with ample sunshine, our bodies will experience heat. But if it grows too strong, we may notice excess Pitta-related disorders like irritability, acidity, acne, burning sensations, nausea, and skin inflammations. The qualities of Summer are hot, sharp, and penetrating. We should change our habits and diet to stay in tune with the Season. One has to keep in mind ways to balance the excess heat build-up and balance it with cooling activities and Food. Start with the following:
Stay Hydrated: The immense Summer heat tends to dry out the moisture from the soil, plants, and us. It is essential to stay hydrated and retain moisture.
Favor the following beverages
Coconut water
Barley water
Boiled and cooled water
Cows milk
Aloe vera juice
Freshly squeezed fruit juice
Mildly spiced buttermilk
Sweetened buttermilk
Sugar cane juice
Chamomile tea
Hibiscus tea
Dandelion tea
Camphor infused water
Eat a pitta pacifying diet - Avoid foods that can be heating and foods that are excessively salty, sour, and spicy. Instead, go for bitter greens, fresh green vegetables, astringent, and sweet tastes. Here are some recommended foods
Rose Jam
Soaked and peeled almonds
Tender coconut meat
Whole grains
Raisins and soaked dates
Panneer, cottage cheese, soft cheese
Fresh fruit and veggies- Cucumbers, root vegetables, squashes, cruciferous vegetables, greens, asparagus.
Avoid anything that can be aggravating pitta
Black tea
Fermented drinks like kombucha
Fermented Food like kimchi, idli, dosa, aged cheese
Heavy to digest foods
Meat and eggs
Spicy curries
Sour drinks
Caffeinated beverages
Chilli and Pepper
Salted nuts and chips
Deep-Fried foods
Since the Agni is compromised during hot summer days and maintains homeostasis, it is essential to enhance it with easy-to-digest foods and herbs. Include mild herbs like
Amla - Indian gooseberry
Protect yourself from heat
Do not expose yourself to excessive sunlight. Stay indoors during the peak times of sun exposure.
Wear lighter colors like sky blue or white
Wear cotton and delicate weight fabrics
Wear a headcover when spending outdoors during the day
Take a spray bottle with Rosewater and aloe vera juice and spritz it as needed
Sandalwood paste lepas or masks help calm and nourish the skin
Wear flowers in your hair and flower garlands
Aromatherapy with cooling fragrances like sandalwood, ylang-ylang, lotus, jasmine, rose, and other floral scents
Listening to soothing water sounds
Include Ghee in your diet
Ghee is a very friendly fat that can be cooling for your body but at the same time ignite that metabolic fire without causing excess flames or heat within. Ghee helps maintain homeostasis during the Summer months, and the heat in Summer dries out the moisture leading to Vata, so to ensure there is not too much drying from the heat, it's important to consume good fats like Ghee and olive oils.
Enjoy Moon bathing
Taking an evening stroll under the moonlight
Cooling activities like swimming
Beach activities
Boat rides
Avoid too much physical exercise
Avoid intense workout
Avoid excessive indulgence in intercourse
Choose cooling Pranayama like sheetali and Sitkari as needed
Choose water-based activities like swimming
Rest and restore
Rise early with the Sun
This rule is exempted for the sick and debilitated. Pregnant women are also allowed to sleep in.
Napping is allowed on hot Summer afternoons
Avoid napping right after a meal, and if you are overweight
Protect the gentle Agni
During Summer, the metabolic fire is volatile, hence protect it by taking Ghee and a lesser amount of Food. Since your Agni and appetite are low during this Season, you eat relatively more minor. To avoid overeating and eating heavily to digest foods.
Following simple guidelines like these will help you keep your cool during Summer. Contact ArogyaVeda @248-734-4633 for Ayurvedic Consultations
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